Unlocking a Comprehensive View of a B2B Deal

Mark Yatman
To hit your pipeline goals, you need an efficient marketing mix—but without measuring non-digital channels, optimization is nearly impossible. If you don’t know what’s broken, how can you fix it?
The beauty of leveraging B2B digital channels is measurability. But of course measuring your digital programs in isolation from non-digital programs only gives you part of the answer. To truly understand marketing performance, you need a holistic view—one that connects the impact of digital and non-digital efforts, ensuring every dollar spent contributes to pipeline and revenue growth. Without this full picture, optimizing your marketing mix remains a guessing game.
What are Non-Digital Channels?
It’s easy to get deep into the weeds with the complexities of paid digital ad campaigns and social media marketing. We get siloed into tweaking each bit of ad banner design, targeting demographics, messaging and what content aligns best on our website. There’s literally thousands of combinations of setting and options you can choose within each ad vendor to incrementally improve results and although we want you to use Channel99 to measure and help do this, we want you to do more
We need to take a step back and notice the large gap in reporting from the lack of activities and touches that happen in person or not tracked through a website visit such as a sales rep on a video call, having a prospect dinner or attending an event you sponsored.
Here are the reasons you need to track all activities and how you can start ASAP:
Missing The Signal
There’s always going to be some digital activity that can’t be attributed back to the companies you want to be tracked. Getting the best in class identification software will greatly reduce signal loss but unless you’re also tracking the non-digital touches you may not see activities from companies entering your pipeline due to the lack of marketing software’s ability to track anything but visits to your website.
Jumping The Digital To Real World Gap
Digital channels and non-digital channels can be displayed side by side and that’s great to know what kind of ROI each channel/vendor is achieving but a major point is that they are connected to each other. When a customer or prospect attends a dinner or live event, it’s not isolated and will be followed by research of companies they interact with.. There needs to be a measurable connection between digital channels and non-digital channels to capture this interaction. We call this Non-Digital View Through, boring from the view through concept from display and social advertising. When a user attends a non-digital event and follows up with a visit to your website, there’s a clear connection between those interactions and we track that as View Through Visits for the Non-Digital channel. This allows all your event marketing campaigns to get the credit they deserve.

Measuring The Mix
Ultimately you want to have the most efficient marketing mix to achieve your pipeline goals, no matter what channels you invest in to get you there. If you have no way of measuring and optimizing a huge swath of non-digital channels, marketing mix efficiency can be elusive if not impossible to achieve. After all, if you don’t know what to fix, how are you going to fix it?
Channel99 customers with Salesforce integrations will have access to Non-Digital event reporting to provide the complete view of marketing performance data they need to make informed marketing resource decisions.